English helping verbs

10/10 - (4 votes)

Helping verbs, also known as auxiliary verbs, are verbs that are used in combination with another verb to express a particular grammatical function or meaning. They “help” the main verb in a sentence by adding information about tense, aspect, or mood. In essence, they add extra detail to the main verb and provide context about… Continue reading English helping verbs

Categorized as Modals

10 Sentences using Modal Verbs

10/10 - (26 votes)

Modal verbs are a type of auxiliary verb that express a variety of meanings including ability, permission, obligation, and possibility. Here are 10 example sentences using modal verbs: I can swim. She should study more. They must arrive on time. We may go to the party. He ought to apologize for his mistake. You might… Continue reading 10 Sentences using Modal Verbs

Categorized as Modals

50 sentences of active and passive voice

10/10 - (16 votes)

Active and passive voice are two different ways of constructing sentences in English. In active voice, the subject of the sentence performs the action, while in passive voice, the subject of the sentence receives the action. Understanding the difference between active and passive voice is important for effective communication in English. In this article, we… Continue reading 50 sentences of active and passive voice

Categorized as Grammar

Most common words in english

10/10 - (4 votes)

English is a rich and diverse language, with over a million words in its lexicon. However, there are some words that are used far more frequently than others, and are considered the most common words in the English language. In this article, we will explore the most common words in English and their usage. Before… Continue reading Most common words in english

Categorized as Grammar