Present Continuous Passive Voice with examples

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10 examples of Present Continuous Passive Voice sentences

10 examples of Present Continuous Passive Voice sentences

The present continuous tense is used to describe actions that are happening at the moment of speaking or actions that are happening around the time of speaking. When used in passive voice, the present continuous tense describes actions that are being done to the subject of the sentence. In this blog post, we will discuss the present continuous passive voice in detail and provide examples to help you understand its usage.

What is the Present Continuous Tense?

The present continuous tense, also known as the present progressive tense, is a verb tense used to describe an ongoing action. In the present continuous tense, the verb “to be” is used in conjunction with the present participle form of the verb, which ends in “-ing”. For example:

  • I am watching TV right now.
  • She is studying for her exam.
  • They are playing basketball in the park.

What is Passive Voice?

In passive voice, the subject of the sentence is being acted upon, rather than performing the action. In other words, the receiver of the action is the subject of the sentence. In passive voice, the verb “to be” is used in conjunction with the past participle form of the verb. For example:

  • The cake was baked by my sister.
  • The letter was written by John.
  • The ball was thrown by the pitcher.

Present Continuous Passive Voice Examples:

To form the present continuous passive voice, we use the present continuous tense of the verb “to be” with the past participle form of the main verb. Here are some examples:

  • The house is being painted by the workers.
  • The cake is being baked by my sister.
  • The book is being written by the author.
  • The car is being repaired by the mechanic.
  • The movie is being filmed by the crew.
  • The cake is being decorated by the baker.
  • The house is being cleaned by the maid.
  • The computer is being fixed by the technician.
  • The garden is being watered by the gardener.
  • The dress is being designed by the fashion designer.

Negative Form:

To form the negative form of the present continuous passive voice, we add “not” after the verb “to be”. Here are some examples:

  • The house is not being painted by the workers.
  • The cake is not being baked by my sister.
  • The book is not being written by the author.
  • The car is not being repaired by the mechanic.
  • The movie is not being filmed by the crew.
  • The cake is not being decorated by the baker.
  • The house is not being cleaned by the maid.
  • The computer is not being fixed by the technician.
  • The garden is not being watered by the gardener.
  • The dress is not being designed by the fashion designer.

Interrogative Form:

To form the interrogative form of the present continuous passive voice, we switch the subject and the verb “to be”. Here are some examples:

  • Is the house being painted by the workers?
  • Is the cake being baked by my sister?
  • Is the book being written by the author?
  • Is the car being repaired by the mechanic?
  • Is the movie being filmed by the crew?
  • Is the cake being decorated by the baker?
  • Is the house being cleaned by the maid?
  • Is the computer being fixed by the technician?
  • Is the garden being watered by the gardener?
  • Is the dress being designed by the fashion designer?


In conclusion, the present continuous passive voice is a powerful tool for expressing ongoing actions in a passive form. It allows writers to focus on the action itself rather than the doer, making it useful for various writing styles and contexts. When using the present continuous passive voice, it is essential to understand the grammatical structure and follow the rules to avoid common mistakes. By incorporating this tense and voice into your writing, you can create more variety, depth, and clarity in your sentences.

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