TOP 100 regular verbs

10/10 - (6 votes)

Here is the list of Top 100 regular verbs in this article and you can also visit our list of Top 100 irregular verbs. Regular verbs are verbs that follow a predictable pattern when conjugated in the past tense and past participle. They typically end in “-ed” in their past tense and past participle forms.… Continue reading TOP 100 regular verbs

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TOP 30 regular verbs

10/10 - (2 votes)

Here is the list of the Top 30 regular verbs in English. This list contains the 30 most commonly used regular verbs. While regular verbs form the past tense by adding the ending -ed, irregular verbs behave differently and need to be learnt by heart. We also prepared lists of the Top 5, 10, 20,… Continue reading TOP 30 regular verbs

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TOP 5 Verbs in English

10/10 - (2 votes)

Here is the list of the Top 5 verbs in English. Since the most common verbs in English are irregular verbs, these are the 5 most common irregular verbs.   Each row contains an infinitive first, followed by the simple past (V2) form and the past participle (V3) form. For more detail click on the… Continue reading TOP 5 Verbs in English

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TOP 5 Regular Verbs

10/10 - (4 votes)

Here is the list of the Top 5 regular verbs in English. This list contains the 5 most commonly used regular verbs. We also prepared lists of the Top 10, 20, and 50 regular verbs. Or you may be interested in lists of the TOP 10, 20, 25, 30 and 50 or 100 irregular verbs.… Continue reading TOP 5 Regular Verbs

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TOP 5 Irregular Verbs

10/10 - (2 votes)

Here is the list of the Top 5 irregular verbs in English. This list contains the 5 most commonly used irregular verbs. We also prepared lists of the Top 10, 20, 25, 30, 50 and 100 irregular verbs. Or you may be interested in lists of the TOP 10, 20, 25 and 50 regular verbs.… Continue reading TOP 5 Irregular Verbs

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TOP 20 Regular verbs

10/10 - (14 votes)

Here is the list of the Top 20 regular verbs in English. This list contains the 20 most commonly used regular verbs. We also prepared lists of the Top 5, 10, 25, 30, 50 and 100 regular verbs. Each row contains an infinitive first, followed by the simple past (V2) form and the past participle (V3) form. For more… Continue reading TOP 20 Regular verbs

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TOP 10 Regular verbs

10/10 - (10 votes)

Here is the list of the Top 10 regular verbs in English. This list contains the 10 most commonly used regular verbs. We also prepared lists of the Top 10, 20, 30, 50 and 100 regular verbs. Each row contains an infinitive first, followed by the simple past (V2) form and the past participle (V3) form. For more detail click on the verb in the… Continue reading TOP 10 Regular verbs

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Present Simple tense Negative sentences

10/10 - (8 votes)
10 present simple negative sentences

We have prepared sample sentences in the Present simple tense. This article contains ten negative sentences. In the following articles, we have prepared ten affirmative sentences and questions. Present Simple Negative sentences She does not write poetry in her free time. We do not attend church every Sunday. The kids do not play in the… Continue reading Present Simple tense Negative sentences

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100 most common English words

10/10 - (2 votes)

If you want to improve your English skills, the Wiktionary frequency lists are a useful resource. English uses hundreds of thousands of words, so trying to memorise them all can be daunting. However, focusing on the 100 most commonly used English words can improve your ability to communicate and comprehend. These top 100 most commonly… Continue reading 100 most common English words

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