▷ Past tense of dial | Learniv.com
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Past tense of dial

Past simple

You are look at the page for regular verb dial

Present participle

dialing; dialling 



Other verbs conjugation dial

Present "dial"dial
Present Continuous "dial"am dialing; dialling
Simple past "dial"dialed; dialled
Past Continuous "dial"was dialing; dialling
Present perfect "dial"have dialed; dialled
Present perfect continuous "dial"have been dialing; dialling
Past perfect "dial"had dialed; dialled
Past perfect continuous "dial"had been dialing; dialling
Future "dial"will dial
Future continuous "dial"will be dialing; dialling
Future perfect "dial"will have dialed; dialled
Future perfect continuous "dial"will have been dialing; dialling

regular verbs & Irregular verbs