Example of Simple Past affirmative sentences

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10 past simple sentences

Example of Simple Past affirmative sentences

Example of Simple Past affirmative sentences

Here are ten examples of affirmative sentences in the simple past tense:

1. I went to the grocery store yesterday.
2. She studied Spanish for three years in college.
3. They played soccer in the park last weekend.
4. He bought a new car last month.
5. We visited our grandparents on the holidays.
6. She danced all night at the party.
7. They walked along the beach at sunset.
8. He ate a sandwich for lunch.
9. We watched a movie at the cinema.
10. She cleaned her room yesterday morning.

More examples of sentences

About Past Simple tense

The past simple tense in English is used to describe actions, events, and situations that occurred in the past, at a specific time or for a specific duration. We typically use the past simple tense in affirmative sentences to describe completed actions or states that happened in the past.

Past Simple affirmative

The affirmative past simple is composed of a verb in the 1st form (infinitive) in combination with the suffix –ed. However, in English there are a lot of irregular verbs which we cannot combine with –ed. These irregular verbs have their own forms which we have to memorize.

In the past simple we don’t differentiate between the person or number of subjects. We always use the past tense form no matter what. In contrast to the present simple tense where we differentiate between the specific person or number of subjects, in the past simple we only care about learning irregular verbs.

This means we do not add the suffix –s to the 3rd person singular as in the present simple but instead only add the suffix –ed to regular verbs.

The complete affirmative sentence in the past simple would be as follows:

Subject  + past simple (verb + ed or irregular verb) + object.

Past Simple affirmative construction

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