The noun Water: countable or uncountable?

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We refer to uncountable nouns as those nouns that cannot be counted, the number of pieces cannot be determined. There is no plural form of an uncountable noun.


Read a special article on the difference between countable and uncountable nouns.

Meaning of the word Water

A liquid without colour, smell or taste that falls as rain, is in lakes, rivers and seas, and is used for drinking, washing, etc.

The noun Water in dictionaries

Look up the word “water” in dictionaries:

How to count Water?

Sometimes we really want two count uncountable nouns. You can add something countable before each uncountable one and this “trick” will solve it.

  • A glass of water
  • A litre of water

Some and Any in the case of the noun Water

You can use some and any with plural countable nouns and with uncountable nouns.

We can use uncountable water in sentences:

  • Areas of the city centre still had some water.
  • Some energy is given to heat some water.
  • If this ice is gone, there won’t be any water any more.
  • Any water is better than no water at all in a wildlife garden.

Little, Few, Many and Much in the case of the noun Water

We use many and few with plural countable nouns and we use much and little with uncountable nouns.

We can use little and much with the noun water. And we cannot use many and few.

We can use uncountable water in sentences:

  • Too little water in the blood.
  • Many areas have no power, no communications and very little water
  • How much water should you drink a day?
  • As much water as possible.

Other examples of sentences with the word Water

  • The chemical formula of water is H₂O.
  • Ice in the Swiss Alps provides water for rivers.
  • We’ll be lucky to keep our heads above water.
  • There’s water everywhere
  • International Water Association presents a series of films.
  • The skin on our fingertips and toes shrivels like prunes when soaked in water.
  • Water is an essential part of our diet.
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