Past simple sentences

10/10 - (4 votes)

Sentences in the past simple are essential for talking about past events in English. The past simple is a verb tense that is used to talk about actions that have already happened. In this article, I will give you some examples of simple past sentences in English and explain how to construct them. To construct… Continue reading Past simple sentences

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Past continuous structure

10/10 - (1 vote)

In the realm of English grammar, the past continuous tense serves as a powerful tool to describe actions or events that were in progress at a specific time in the past. Often referred to as the past progressive tense, understanding its structure is essential for effective communication and storytelling. In this blog post, we will… Continue reading Past continuous structure

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Adverbs of past continuous tense

10/10 - (1 vote)

Adverbs in the past continuous tense in English are used to modify or provide additional information about ongoing actions or events that occurred in the past. These adverbs give us more details about the duration, timing, frequency, or manner of the action being described in the past continuous tense. They help to paint a clearer… Continue reading Adverbs of past continuous tense

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Past continuous verbs

10/10 - (1 vote)

As language enthusiasts, mastering different verb tenses is key to becoming proficient in any language. One such important tense in English is the Past Continuous tense. This dynamic verb form allows us to describe ongoing actions or events in the past. In this blog post, we will delve into the Past Continuous tense, focusing on… Continue reading Past continuous verbs

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Verbs in Past simple

10/10 - (2 votes)

Verbs in the English language can be classified into regular and irregular verbs based on how their past tense forms are created. Let’s explore how to form the past tense of verbs and categorize them accordingly: This post is inspired and sponsored by: Regular Verbs Regular verbs follow a predictable pattern when forming the… Continue reading Verbs in Past simple

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Past simple affirmative negative and interrogative structure

10/10 - (4 votes)

One crucial aspect of English grammar is the past simple tense. In this blog post, we will explore the past simple tense in its affirmative, negative, and interrogative forms. By mastering these structures, you will be well-equipped to craft engaging and accurate content while optimizing your chances of success in the digital landscape. Understanding the… Continue reading Past simple affirmative negative and interrogative structure

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